Digital Technologies can play a transformational role in learning and education. It helps to extend the kindergarten approach, so that learners of all ages can continue to learn in kindergarten style. It also enables students to develop scientific enquiry skills, which allow them to investigate, plant, test and implement their ideas; thus, enabling them to reach their full potential. In the process students develop knowledge and skills vital for success in the 21st century.
ROBOTICS is one such digital technology. Being a multidisciplinary platform, Robotics is an excellent way to impart practical & hands-on learning to students. It also develops useful skills such as logical thinking, problem solving and creativity.
However, its success depends on how Robotics is integrated with school’s curriculum. Schools should develop a comprehensive action plan including time-table and methodology of students engagement without compromising on the teaching hours allocated to other subjects. Following options could be to include Robotics sessions – Zero periods, Activity periods or two adjacent periods and weekends.
Systematic inclusion in the regular curriculum should be adopted: –
• Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) for Grade I to IX
• STEM Club, random group of Grade I to III
• Tinkering Club, random group of Grade IV to VI
• Robotics Club, random group of Grade VI & above
• Curriculum Aligned, for all students Grade I onwards
Robotics vs. Coding?
Robotics is writing codes to make a program, and then transfer program to a machine (Robot) to check machine’s output.
Whereas coding is just about writing instructions in a language which machine can understand.
As you can infer, Robotic is hands-on learning field in a true sense. It includes coding as well as building mechanisms using science and maths concepts.
Since inception, Indian School of Robotics has been working with schools & educationalist for seamless integration for Robotics in the curriculum. ISR has developed a flagship & easy online program for schools known as ISR-MOOC; a quick 7-day learning experience to familiarize with technology and develop Top 7 Skills.